Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Assignment 5 - Helene Inselseth

Chuck Norris facts

Chuck Norris facts are satirical facts about the actor Chuck Norris that started appearing on the Internet the summer of 2005. This was a result of a thread on the SomethingAwful forums, where people started posting their “Vin Diesel Facts” in response to the movie “The Pacifier”. The “Vin Diesel Fact Generaotor” was a page allowing people to make and post such facts, and when this page started to die out, suggestions for a replacement for Vin Diesel was made. Norris was the winner by overwhelming margin on write-in votes without even being nominated. The “Vin Diesel Fact Generator” became the “Chuck Norris Fact Generator”, and the rest is history.
The facts soon became an Internet meme, and reached its viewer peak by February 2006. The facts are primarily claims about Norris´ attitude, endurance, masculinity and strength; simply humorous examples about how much of a man Norris is. Due to the popularity of this phenomenon, similar jokes have been created for various fictional characters and other celebrities, such as the Norwegian adventurer Lars Monsen. Chuck Norris ones said that his own favorite quote was “they once tried to carve Chuck Norris´ face into Mount Rushmore, but the granite wasn´t hard enough for his beard”. Others are:

“When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks in his closet for Chuck Norris.”

“Chuck Norris doesn´t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants”


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